Colossus tutorial: MCMC fitting¶
Colossus includes a basic MCMC fitting module based on the Goodman & Weare 2010 algorithm, contributed by Andrey Kravtsov.
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
First, we need to define a likelihood function which we are trying to maximize. For a quick demonstration, let's use a double Gaussian with correlated parameters:
def likelihood(x):
sig1 = 1.0
sig2 = 2.0
r = 0.95
r2 = r * r
res = np.exp(-0.5 * ((x[:, 0] / sig1)**2 + (x[:, 1] / sig2)**2 - 2.0 * r * x[:, 0] * x[:, 1] \
/ (sig1 * sig2)) / (1.0 - r2)) / (2 * np.pi * sig1 * sig2) / np.sqrt(1.0 - r2)
return res
Running the MCMC is easy now: we need to decide on an initial guess for the parameters and a number of "walkers" (chains that run in parallel).
param_names = ['x1', 'x2']
x_initial = np.array([1.0, 1.0])
n_params = len(param_names)
We could just use the run()
function to complete all the following steps in one function call, but for the sake of demonstration, let's break it down into the main steps.
First, the runChain()
function does the actual MCMC sampling. It takes more optional arguments than shown in the code below. By default, the MCMC is stopped when the Gelman-Rubin criterion is below a certain number in all parameters. Running this code should take less than a minute on a modern laptop.
from colossus.utils import mcmc
walkers = mcmc.initWalkers(x_initial, nwalkers = 200, random_seed = 156)
chain_thin, chain_full, _ = mcmc.runChain(likelihood, walkers)
Running MCMC with the following settings: Number of parameters: 2 Number of walkers: 200 Save conv. indicators every: 100 Finish when Gelman-Rubin less than: 0.0100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 100, autocorr. time 28.7, GR = [ 1.318 1.323] Step 200, autocorr. time 51.1, GR = [ 1.131 1.138] Step 300, autocorr. time 51.7, GR = [ 1.086 1.090] Step 400, autocorr. time 52.7, GR = [ 1.063 1.068] Step 500, autocorr. time 50.8, GR = [ 1.049 1.055] Step 600, autocorr. time 49.5, GR = [ 1.040 1.046] Step 700, autocorr. time 48.6, GR = [ 1.035 1.039] Step 800, autocorr. time 47.3, GR = [ 1.033 1.037] Step 900, autocorr. time 45.9, GR = [ 1.029 1.033] Step 1000, autocorr. time 44.7, GR = [ 1.025 1.028] Step 1100, autocorr. time 42.0, GR = [ 1.023 1.026] Step 1200, autocorr. time 41.7, GR = [ 1.021 1.023] Step 1300, autocorr. time 41.1, GR = [ 1.021 1.022] Step 1400, autocorr. time 40.6, GR = [ 1.020 1.021] Step 1500, autocorr. time 40.5, GR = [ 1.020 1.020] Step 1600, autocorr. time 41.5, GR = [ 1.018 1.019] Step 1700, autocorr. time 40.5, GR = [ 1.017 1.018] Step 1800, autocorr. time 41.3, GR = [ 1.016 1.017] Step 1900, autocorr. time 40.4, GR = [ 1.016 1.017] Step 2000, autocorr. time 39.5, GR = [ 1.015 1.016] Step 2100, autocorr. time 39.3, GR = [ 1.014 1.014] Step 2200, autocorr. time 38.9, GR = [ 1.013 1.013] Step 2300, autocorr. time 38.1, GR = [ 1.012 1.012] Step 2400, autocorr. time 38.0, GR = [ 1.012 1.012] Step 2500, autocorr. time 38.1, GR = [ 1.011 1.012] Step 2600, autocorr. time 37.3, GR = [ 1.011 1.011] Step 2700, autocorr. time 36.7, GR = [ 1.010 1.010] Step 2800, autocorr. time 35.6, GR = [ 1.010 1.010] Step 2900, autocorr. time 35.7, GR = [ 1.010 1.010] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acceptance ratio: 0.661 Total number of samples: 580000 Samples in burn-in: 140000 Samples without burn-in (full chain): 440000 Thinning factor (autocorr. time): 35 Independent samples (thin chain): 12572
Given the chain output, we can now compute the most likely values for the parameters as well as confidence intervals. We use the thinned chain for this purpose because the full chain's individual samples are highly correlated, leading to erroneous statistical inferences.
mcmc.analyzeChain(chain_thin, param_names = param_names);
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Statistics for parameter 0, x1: Mean: -5.000e-03 Median: -1.595e-02 Std. dev.: +9.745e-01 68.3% interval: -9.792e-01 .. +9.680e-01 95.5% interval: -1.925e+00 .. +1.986e+00 99.7% interval: -2.819e+00 .. +3.151e+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Statistics for parameter 1, x2: Mean: -1.308e-02 Median: -1.386e-02 Std. dev.: +1.952e+00 68.3% interval: -1.972e+00 .. +1.924e+00 95.5% interval: -3.925e+00 .. +3.972e+00 99.7% interval: -5.824e+00 .. +5.848e+00
To elucidate the individual and joint likelihood distributions of the parameters, it is helpful to plot the chain output. The following function does just that:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
def plotChain(chain, param_labels):
nsamples = len(chain)
nparams = len(chain[0])
# Prepare panels
margin_lb = 1.0
margin_rt = 0.5
panel_size = 2.5
size = nparams * panel_size + margin_lb + margin_rt
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (size, size))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nparams, nparams)
margin_lb_frac = margin_lb / size
margin_rt_frac = margin_rt / size
plt.subplots_adjust(left = margin_lb_frac, bottom = margin_lb_frac, right = 1.0 - margin_rt_frac,
top = 1.0 - margin_rt_frac, hspace = margin_rt_frac, wspace = margin_rt_frac)
panels = [[None for dummy in range(nparams)] for dummy in range(nparams)]
for i in range(nparams):
for j in range(nparams):
if i >= j:
pan = fig.add_subplot(gs[i, j])
panels[i][j] = pan
if i < nparams - 1:
if j > 0:
panels[i][j] = None
# Plot 1D histograms
nbins = min(50, nsamples / 20.0)
minmax = np.zeros((nparams, 2), float)
for i in range(nparams):
ci = chain[:, i][i][i])
_, bins, _ = plt.hist(ci, bins = nbins)
minmax[i, 0] = bins[0]
minmax[i, 1] = bins[-1]
diff = minmax[i, 1] - minmax[i, 0]
minmax[i, 0] -= 0.03 * diff
minmax[i, 1] += 0.03 * diff
plt.xlim(minmax[i, 0], minmax[i, 1])
# Plot 2D histograms
for i in range(nparams):
ci = chain[:, i]
for j in range(nparams):
cj = chain[:, j]
if i > j:[i][j])
plt.hist2d(cj, ci, bins = 100, norm = LogNorm(), density = True)
plt.ylim(minmax[i, 0], minmax[i, 1])
plt.xlim(minmax[j, 0], minmax[j, 1])
This function is not part of the main body of Colossus because it relies on matplotlib. Here is its output for the chain above:
plotChain(chain_full, param_names)