Mass conversions and pseudo-evolution#
This module implements functions to convert between spherical overdensity mass definitions and to compute pseudo-evolution. For basic aspects of spherical overdensity mass definitions, see the Spherical overdensity masses section.
The functions in this unit assume a static halo density profile and compute spherical overdensity radius and mass definitions based on this profile. These functions include changing the overdensity definition at fixed redshift, changing redshift at fixed overdensity (“pseudo-evolution”), or changing both.
One common application is to convert one spherical overdensity mass definition to another (at fixed redshift):
from colossus.halo import mass_defs
Mvir = 1E12
cvir = 10.0
z = 1.0
M200m, R200m, c200m = mass_defs.changeMassDefinition(Mvir, cvir, z, 'vir', '200m')
Here we assumed a halo with \(M_{vir}=10^{12} M_{\odot}/h\) and \(c_{vir} = 10\) at z=1, and converted it to the 200m mass definition. For convenience, the new radius and concentration are also returned.
Pseudo-evolution is the evolution of a spherical overdensity halo radius, mass, and concentration
due to an evolving reference density (see
Diemer et al. 2013 for more information).
The pseudoEvolve()
function is a general implementation of this effect. The function
assumes a profile that is fixed in physical units, and computes how the radius, mass and
concentration evolve due to changes in redshift (at fixed mass definition). In the following
example we compute the pseudo-evolution of a halo with virial mass
\(M_{vir}=10^{12} M_{\odot}/h\) from z=1 to z=0:
M_ini = 1E12
c_ini = 10.0
z_ini = 1.0
z_final = 0.0
M, R, c = mass_defs.pseudoEvolve(M_ini, c_ini, 'vir', z_ini, z_final)
Here we have assumed that the halo has a concentration \(c_{vir} = 10\) at z=1. By default, an NFW density profile is assumed, but the user can also pass another profile object.
Often, we do not know the concentration of a halo and wish to estimate it using a concentration-
mass model. This can be done using the Concentration module, but there is also
a convenient wrapper for the changeMassDefinition()
. This function is located in a different module
to avoid circular imports. Please see the Tutorials for more extensive code examples.
Module contents#
Evolve the spherical overdensity radius for a fixed density profile. |
Change the spherical overdensity mass definition assuming a fixed density profile. |
Pseudo-evolve a static density profile. |
Module reference#
- halo.mass_defs.evolveSO(M_i, c_i, z_i, mdef_i, z_f, mdef_f, profile='nfw', profile_args={})#
Evolve the spherical overdensity radius for a fixed density profile.
This function computes the evolution of spherical overdensity mass and radius due to a changing reference density, redshift, or both. The user passes the mass and concentration of the density profile, together with a redshift and mass definition to which M and c refer.
To evaluate the new mass, radius, and concentration, we need to assume a particular form of the density profile. This profile can be either the NFW profile (
profile = 'nfw'
), or any other profile class (derived fromHaloDensityProfile
). In the latter case, the passed profile class must accept mass, mass definition, concentration, and redshift as parameters to its constructor. Additional parameters can be passed as well, for example outer profile terms.- Parameters:
- M_i: array_like
The initial halo mass in \(M_{\odot}/h\); can be a number or a numpy array. If both
are arrays, they must have the same dimensions.- c_i: array_like
The initial halo concentration; can be a number of a numpy array. If both
are arrays, they must have the same dimensions.- z_i: float
The initial redshift.
- mdef_i: str
The initial mass definition.
- z_f: float
The final redshift (can be smaller, equal to, or larger than
).- mdef_f: str
The final mass definition (can be the same as
, or different).- profile: str or HaloDensityProfile
The functional form of the profile assumed in the computation; can be
or an instance of HaloDensityProfile (which satisfies particular conditions, see above).- profile_args: dict
Any other keyword args are passed to the constructor of the density profile class.
- Returns:
- Mnew: array_like
The new halo mass in \(M_{\odot}/h\); has the same dimensions as
.- Rnew: array_like
The new halo radius in physical kpc/h; has the same dimensions as
.- cnew: array_like
The new concentration (now referring to the new mass definition); has the same dimensions as
See also
Change the spherical overdensity mass definition.
Pseudo-evolve a static density profile.
- halo.mass_defs.changeMassDefinition(M, c, z, mdef_in, mdef_out, profile='nfw', profile_args={})#
Change the spherical overdensity mass definition assuming a fixed density profile.
This function is a special case of the more general
function. We assume a density profile fixed in physical coordinates and at a fixed redshift, but we change the mass definition. This leads to a different spherical overdensity radius, mass, and concentration. By default, the density profile is assumed to be an NFW profile, but other profiles can be specified.- Parameters:
- M: array_like
The initial halo mass in \(M_{\odot}/h\); can be a number or a numpy array. If both
are arrays, they must have the same dimensions.- c: array_like
The initial halo concentration; can be a number of a numpy array. If both
are arrays, they must have the same dimensions.- z: float
The initial redshift.
- mdef_in: str
The input mass definition.
- mdef_out: str
The output mass definition.
- profile: str
The functional form of the profile assumed in the computation; can be
.- profile_args: dict
Any other keyword args are passed to the constructor of the density profile class.
- Returns:
- Mnew: array_like
The new halo mass in \(M_{\odot}/h\); has the same dimensions as
.- Rnew: array_like
The new halo radius in physical kpc/h; has the same dimensions as
.- cnew: array_like
The new concentration (now referring to the new mass definition); has the same dimensions as
See also
Evolve the spherical overdensity radius for a fixed profile.
Change the spherical overdensity mass definition, using a model for the concentration.
- halo.mass_defs.pseudoEvolve(M, c, mdef, z_i, z_f, profile='nfw', profile_args={})#
Pseudo-evolve a static density profile.
This function computes the evolution of spherical overdensity mass and radius due to a changing reference density, an effect called ‘pseudo-evolution’ (e.g., Diemer et al. 2013). The user passes the mass and concentration of the density profile, together with a redshift and mass definition to which
refer.To evaluate the new mass, radius, and concentration, we need to assume a particular form of the density profile. This profile can be either the NFW profile (
profile = 'nfw'
), or any other profile class (derived fromHaloDensityProfile
). In the latter case, the passed profile class must accept mass, mass definition, concentration, and redshift as parameters to its constructor. Additional parameters can be passed as well, for example outer profile terms.- Parameters:
- M: array_like
The initial halo mass in \(M_{\odot}/h\); can be a number or a numpy array. If both
are arrays, they must have the same dimensions.- c: array_like
The initial halo concentration; can be a number of a numpy array. If both
are arrays, they must have the same dimensions.- mdef: str
The SO mass definition. See Halo Mass Definitions for details.
- z_i: float
The initial redshift.
- z_f: float
The final redshift (can be smaller, equal to, or larger than
).- profile: str
The functional form of the profile assumed in the computation; can be
.- profile_args: dict
Any other keyword args are passed to the constructor of the density profile class.
- Returns:
- Mnew: array_like
The new halo mass in \(M_{\odot}/h\); has the same dimensions as
.- Rnew: array_like
The new halo radius in physical kpc/h; has the same dimensions as
.- cnew: array_like
The new concentration (now referring to the new mass definition); has the same dimensions as
See also
Evolve the spherical overdensity radius for a fixed profile.