MORIA halo catalogs and merger trees¶
This document describes the various types of MORIA output files, focusing on the native HDF5 format. As an example, we consider the publicly available catalogs for the Erebos simulations in detail.
Catalog, tree, and original formats¶
MORIA can output both catalog files (containing all halos at a given snapshot) and tree files (containing halos at all snapshots ordered as halo histories). Moreover, the catalog files can be output in MORIA’s native HDF5 format as well as the original format of the halo finder. See Python for MORIA for convenient routines to read MORIA files.
HDF5 vs. original catalog format
If the output_original
parameter is set, MORIA outputs the catalogs in a format as close to the
input halo catalogs as possible. For ROCKSTAR catalogs, this means that fields are appended to the
header, to the comments, and to each line. These fields are almost exactly identical to those
written to the hdf5 output files, with the exception of coordinates and velocities which are
omitted (because they are almost always identical to the catalog). However, a given original
format may or may not contain all the information in the HDF5 file. For example, configuration
parameters are not written to a ROCKSTAR output file. Another important exception are ghosts,
i.e., halos that were not part of the original catalog. Even if they are included in MORIA, they
are not written to catalogs in the original format.
It is strongly recommended to use the HDF5 output format rather than the original catalog format because certain fields may be omitted, because the accuracy is limited to a certain number of digits (though they are conservatively chosen), because HDF5 leads to smaller file sizes, and because loading HDF5 files is typically much faster than loading text files. Furthermore, MORIA’s tree format is basically identical to the catalog format, and trees cannot be written in the original format.
Catalog vs. tree files
The catalog and tree formats are designed to be as similar as possible. Their only real difference is the ordering of the information, that is, the dimensionality of the datasets. This documentation applies to both formats, we point out differences where appropriate.
The MORIA tree format contains the same datasets as the catalog format, but combines all snapshots
into one file. The dimensions of each dataset are n_snapshots
by n_halos
, where n_halos
is the number of halos that are output at ANY snapshot (according to the mass threshold). For
example, if a cut on M200m of 200 particles is imposed, halos are output into the tree if they
reach 200 particles at any point during their history. In that case, however, their entire history
is output, meaning that not all halos fulfill the cut at any given snapshot.
Note that this format differs from other halo finder formats, where halos are output only at those
snapshots where they were alive. The advantage of the MORIA format is that it makes it easier to
make cuts such as “all snapshots of one halo” or “all halos at one snapshot” (which become simple
array indexing operations). The downside is that the datasets contain a significant fraction of
zeros. This does not influence the file size much due to compression (see
Configuring MORIA). To easily identify and cut out zero epochs, tree files contain an
extra dataset called mask_alive
, which is True
for all epochs and halos where the halo
existed, and False
otherwise. A second mask, mask_cut
, is True
only if the halo was
output into the corresponding catalog file, that is, if it passed the cut imposed (see
Configuring MORIA). Using these masks, it is easy to reconstruct the contents of the
catalog files from the tree (and the MORIA loading function can automatically take them into
account, see Python for MORIA).
Ghost halos may or may not be part of the catalog files depending on the cut definition. If that
is a catalog-based definition, e.g., M200m_peak_cat
or Vmax_cat
, then ghosts cannot fulfill
the requirement and will always be excluded from the catalog files. They will be part of the tree
files though, and can be loaded by not applying the cut mask in the load function. For most use
cases, ghosts should not be part of the halo sample anyway.
Tree ordering and progenitor/descendant relations
There are a number of ways to format merger tree files, for example breadth first (all halos at a snapshot, then all its subhalos at this snapshot and so on) or depth first (the history of the first halo, the history of its second-largest progenitor and so on). In MORIA, the tree format is somewhat different from conventional formats in that it is intrinsically 2+n dimensional, where the first two dimensions are the number of snapshots and the number of halos. Each field is represented as a dataset with those dimensions, plus possibly additional dimensions (such as 3 for coordinates).

In the above schematic, white fields indicate times where a halo did not exist according to the input halo catalog. Such a format may seem wasteful, but thanks to HDF5 compression there is almost no penalty for large, empty regions. The advantage is that it is now easy to select all halos at a given snapshot, as well as the histories of particular halos.
The arrows indicate progenitor-descendant relations. The fields in each halo correspond to its most massive progenitor branch. When a halo ends, it merges into another halo, indicated by vertical arrows. In the bottom row, a halo ends without merging; in that case, the halo into which it merged is not included in the tree file because it did not meet the output criterion imposed by the user.
The trees are ordered as follows. We consider a halo a “tree root” if it is still alive at the final snapshot, and if it is a host halo. We sort the roots by their mass, that is, the highest value of M200m attained along its history. Behind each root we list its subhalos that survive until the final snapshot. After that, we list the halos that merged into it at snapshot n-1, again sorted by their peak mass, and so on for all snapshots going back to the beginning of the simulation.
If the halo that a halo merged into is not present in the tree (because it did not reach the threshold imposed by the user), we try to find that halo’s “merge parent” and assign the original halo to its tree, and so on. If this procedure does not yield a tree root that is being output, we designate the original halo as a root (bottom row in the schematic). As a result, the vast majority of root halos should be host halos and live to the final snapshot, but there can be exceptions.
The descendant relations are encoded into MORIA tree files in two ways: first, the descendant_id
field gives the ID of the descendant halo in the next snapshot, regardless of whether it is
included in the tree file (it almost always is, since halos typically merge into larger halos).
Second, the descendant_index
field gives the index of the descendant in the tree file (between
0 and m-1 in the schematic above). For most of a halo’s life, the descendant index is simply the
index of the halo itself.
In the rare case where the halo into which a halo merged was not output, the descendant index is set according to the ordering procedure above, meaning it is set to the “next-higher” halo into which a halo merged, if such a halo exists. If no such tree could be found, the index is -1; it also takes on this value at times when the halo was not alive. At the final snapshot, all descendant IDs and indices are -1; they can differ from the input catalogs if SPARTA was not run until the final snapshot of the simulation (in which case the halos would have descendants at a later snapshot, but they are not included in SPARTA/MORIA).
Ghosts, if included in MORIA, are treated exactly like subhalos. By construction, they merge into the halo which they were a subhalo of during their final snapshot.
Configuration groups¶
The following sections discuss the various groups and datasets in an HDF5 MORIA file. The tree format is very similar (except for the extra dimension of the datasets), so almost all fields discussed below apply to both catalogs and trees.
The config, simulation, and snapshot attributes
As in a SPARTA output file, the MORIA file contains a config
and a simulation
group. The
former contains an attribute for each configuration parameter (see list above), as well a copy of
the entire SPARTA configuration including compiled and run-time parameters.
The simulation group contains similar fields as the corresponding group in a SPARTA file (see The SPARTA HDF5 output format), as well as the additional cosmological parameters passed to MORIA.
The snapshot group (catalogs only)
The snapshot
group contains information about the particular snapshot this catalog file refers
to. Since trees contain all snapshots, this information is not included in tree files (but it is
contained in their config groups):
Field |
Type |
Explanation |
int |
The index of the snapshot relative to all snapshots of the simulation |
float |
Scale factor |
float |
Redshift |
float |
Time since Big Bang (Gyr) |
float |
200 times the mean density of the universe |
int |
The index of the snapshot one dynamical time before this snapshot |
float |
Scale factor of the snapshot one dynamical time before this snapshot |
float |
Redshift of the snapshot one dynamical time before this snapshot |
float |
Time since Big Bang (Gyr) one dynamical time before this snapshot |
float |
200 times the mean density one dynamical time before this snapshot |
See Dynamical times and mass accretion rates for details on how the dynamical time is computed.
Complete list of catalog/tree fields in Erebos catalogs¶
The following table lists all fields in the Erebos catalogs and trees. The “from” column indicates which of the codes involved calculated a certain field, namely:
: Rockstar (halo finder)C
: Consistent-trees (merger tree construction)S
In certain cases, the names of fields may contain characters that are not allowed in HDF5 datasets,
such as slashes. Those characters are omitted from the names of those datasets. Note that no unit
conversions or checks are performed for catalog fields, meaning that the fields appear in a mixture
of Rockstar and SPARTA units as indicated in the table. However, the units of the radius definitions
are converted by MORIA. For clarity, all length units carry a p
or c
prefix indicating
physical or comoving units. See also Unit system for details on the SPARTA unit
All dynamical times in the explanations below are defined in the SPARTA way, that is, as crossing times (two radii over the circular velocity). Rockstar defines the dynamical time as half that time.
Field |
Type |
Units |
From |
Explanation |
— — — IDs, halo status, and organization — — — |
int64 |
– |
C,S |
Halo ID from the original catalogs (except ghosts, where the ID is determined by SPARTA) |
int32 |
– |
C |
Number of progenitors |
int64 |
– |
C,S |
ID of the halo at the next snapshot, or of the halo it merged into if it is ending (tree only) |
int32 |
– |
M |
Tree index of descendant; same as current halo unless merging (tree only) |
int32 |
– |
C |
Non-zero if halo was missing in Rockstar and interpolated by Consistent-Trees |
int8 |
– |
M |
True if there is an alive halo at this index and snapshot (tree only) |
int8 |
– |
M |
True if halo is part of catalog as well as tree (if it passed the mass threshold, tree only) |
int8 |
– |
S |
Status of this halo in SPARTA at this snapshot (host/sub/ghost etc, see below) |
— — — Radius and mass definitions (at the current time) — — — |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
Internally used \(R_{\rm 200m}\) in SPARTA (\(R_{\rm 200m,all}\) for hosts, \(R_{\rm 200m,tcr}\) for subhalos) |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
Internally used \(M_{\rm 200m}\) in SPARTA (\(M_{\rm 200m,all}\) for hosts, \(M_{\rm 200m,tcr}\) for subhalos) |
float |
– |
M |
Peak height corresponding to internal \(M_{\rm 200m}\) or bound mass if \(M_{\rm 200m,all}\) > \(2 M_{\rm 200m,bnd}\) |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
R |
\(R_{\rm 200m}\) computed from bound particles |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
R |
\(M_{\rm 200m}\) computed from bound particles |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
R |
\(R_{\rm vir}\) computed from bound particles |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
R |
\(M_{\rm vir}\) computed from bound particles |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
R |
\(R_{\rm 200c}\) computed from bound particles |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
R |
\(M_{\rm 200c}\) computed from bound particles |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
R |
\(R_{\rm 500c}\) computed from bound particles |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
R |
\(M_{\rm 500c}\) computed from bound particles |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
\(R_{\rm 200m}\) computed from all particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
\(M_{\rm 200m}\) computed from all particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
\(R_{\rm vir}\) computed from all particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
\(M_{\rm vir}\) computed from all particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
\(R_{\rm 200c}\) computed from all particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
\(M_{\rm 200c}\) computed from all particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
\(R_{\rm 500c}\) computed from all particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
\(M_{\rm 500c}\) computed from all particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
\(R_{\rm 200m}\) computed from tracked subhalo particles (all-particle mass for hosts) |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
\(M_{\rm 200m}\) computed from tracked subhalo particles (all-particle mass for hosts) |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
\(R_{\rm vir}\) computed from tracked subhalo particles (all-particle mass for hosts) |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
\(M_{\rm vir}\) computed from tracked subhalo particles (all-particle mass for hosts) |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
\(R_{\rm 200c}\) computed from tracked subhalo particles (all-particle mass for hosts) |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
\(M_{\rm 200c}\) computed from tracked subhalo particles (all-particle mass for hosts) |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
\(R_{\rm 500c}\) computed from tracked subhalo particles (all-particle mass for hosts) |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
\(M_{\rm 500c}\) computed from tracked subhalo particles (all-particle mass for hosts) |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
\(R_{\rm 200m}\) computed from orbiting particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
\(M_{\rm 200m}\) computed from orbiting particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
\(R_{\rm vir}\) computed from orbiting particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
\(M_{\rm vir}\) computed from orbiting particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
\(R_{\rm 200c}\) computed from orbiting particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
\(M_{\rm 200c}\) computed from orbiting particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
\(R_{\rm 500c}\) computed from orbiting particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
\(M_{\rm 500c}\) computed from orbiting particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
Mass of all particles that have ever orbited in halo (had a pericenter) |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
Radius that includes 50% of orbiting particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
Mass of 50% of orbiting particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
Radius that includes 75% of orbiting particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
Mass of 75% of orbiting particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
Radius that includes 90% of orbiting particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
Mass of 90% of orbiting particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
Radius that includes 99% of orbiting particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
Mass of 99% of orbiting particles |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
int8 |
– |
S |
Status of Rsp analysis in SPARTA (see below) |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of Rsp values in MORIA (see below) |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
\(R_{\rm sp,mn}\), the splashback radius from mean of particle apocenters |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
\(M_{\rm sp,mn}\), the splashback mass from mean of particle apocenters |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
\(R_{\rm sp,50\%}\), the splashback radius from the 50th percentile of particle apocenters |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
\(M_{\rm sp,50\%}\), the splashback mass from the 50th percentile of particle apocenters |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
\(R_{\rm sp,70\%}\), the splashback radius from the 70th percentile of particle apocenters |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
\(M_{\rm sp,70\%}\), the splashback mass from the 70th percentile of particle apocenters |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
\(R_{\rm sp,75\%}\), the splashback radius from the 75th percentile of particle apocenters |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
\(M_{\rm sp,75\%}\), the splashback mass from the 75th percentile of particle apocenters |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
\(R_{\rm sp,80\%}\), the splashback radius from the 80th percentile of particle apocenters |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
\(M_{\rm sp,80\%}\), the splashback mass from the 80th percentile of particle apocenters |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
\(R_{\rm sp,85\%}\), the splashback radius from the 85th percentile of particle apocenters |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
\(M_{\rm sp,85\%}\), the splashback mass from the 85th percentile of particle apocenters |
float |
\({\rm pkpc}/h\) |
S |
\(R_{\rm sp,90\%}\), the splashback radius from the 90th percentile of particle apocenters |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
S |
\(M_{\rm sp,90\%}\), the splashback mass from the 90th percentile of particle apocenters |
— — — Subhalo relations — — — |
int64 |
– |
C |
Parent ID according to original catalog, -1 for hosts; equivalent to “upid” (most massive host) |
int64 |
– |
M |
Parent ID in |
int64 |
– |
M |
Parent ID in |
int64 |
– |
M |
Parent ID in |
int64 |
– |
M |
Parent ID in |
int64 |
– |
M |
Parent ID in |
int64 |
– |
M |
Parent ID in |
int64 |
– |
M |
Parent ID in |
int64 |
– |
M |
Parent ID in |
int64 |
– |
M |
Parent ID in |
int64 |
– |
M |
Parent ID in |
int64 |
– |
M |
Parent ID in |
int64 |
– |
M |
Parent ID in |
int64 |
– |
M |
Parent ID in |
int64 |
– |
M |
Parent ID in |
int64 |
– |
M |
Parent ID in |
int64 |
– |
M |
Parent ID in |
int64 |
– |
M |
Parent ID in |
int64 |
– |
M |
Parent ID in |
int64 |
– |
M |
Parent ID in |
— — — Important times in the halo history — — — |
float |
– |
C |
Scale factor where highest \(M_{\rm 200m,bnd}\) was reached during halo’s history |
float |
– |
C |
Scale factor where most massive progenitor reached half of \(M_{\rm 200m,bnd,peak}\) |
float |
– |
C |
Scale factor where this halo first became a subhalo, if ever |
float |
– |
C |
Scale factor where subhalo last became a subhalo, if it ever did |
float |
– |
C |
Scale factor where last merger with mass ratio greater than 0.3 occurred, if ever |
float |
\({\rm Gyr}\) |
C |
Time until the halo merges into a larger halo, if ever |
int64 |
– |
C |
ID of most massive progenitor into which this halo merges (-1 if it does not exist at this time) |
— — — Alternative mass definitions and definitions at different times — — — |
float |
\({\rm km}/s\) |
R |
Maximum circular velocity, \(\sqrt{G M(<r) / r}\) |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
C |
\(M_{\rm 200m,bnd}\) at accretion (for subhalos) |
float |
\({\rm km}/s\) |
C |
\(V_{\rm max}\) at accretion (for subhalos) |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
C |
Highest \(M_{\rm 200m,bnd}\) ever attained during the halo’s history |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
C |
Same as |
float |
\({\rm km}/s\) |
C |
Highest \(V_{\rm max}\) ever attained during the halo’s history |
float |
\({\rm km}/s\) |
C |
\(V_{\rm max}\) at |
float |
\(M_{\odot}/h\) |
C |
\(M_{\rm vir,bnd}\) when first becoming subhalo (if ever) |
float |
\({\rm km}/s\) |
C |
\(V_{\rm max}\) when first becoming subhalo (if ever) |
— — — Mass accretion rates — — — |
float |
– |
M |
Fiducial accretion rate of \(M_{\rm 200m,all}\) over \(t_{\rm dyn,200m}\), \(\Gamma_{\rm dyn}\) |
int8 |
– |
M |
Status of |
float |
\(M_{\odot} / h / {\rm yr}\) |
C |
Accretion rate in \(M_{\rm 200m,bnd}\) over 0.5 \(t_{\rm dyn,vir}\) |
float |
\(M_{\odot} / h / {\rm yr}\) |
C |
Accretion rate in \(M_{\rm 200m,bnd}\) over \(t_{\rm dyn,vir}\) |
float |
\(M_{\odot} / h / {\rm yr}\) |
C |
Accretion rate in \(M_{\rm 200m,bnd}\) over one snapshot (very noisy) |
float |
\(M_{\odot} / h / {\rm yr}\) |
C |
Accretion rate in \(M_{\rm 200m,bnd}\) over 100 Myr (short compared to \(t_{\rm dyn}\)) |
float |
\(M_{\odot} / h / {\rm yr}\) |
C |
Accretion rate in \(M_{\rm 200m,bnd,peak}\) from \(z\) to \(z + 0.5\) |
float |
– |
C |
\(\log_{10} V_{\rm max}\) divided by \(V_{\rm max}(t - t_{\rm dyn})\) or \(V_{\rm max}(t_{\rm peak})\) (the latter if \(M_{\rm peak}\) happened more than \(0.5 t_{\rm dyn,vir}\) ago) |
float |
– |
C |
Difference in \(\log_{10} V_{\rm max}\) over 0.5 \(t_{\rm dyn,vir}\) |
float |
– |
C |
Difference in \(\log_{10} V_{\rm max}\) over one snapshot (very noisy) |
— — — Other halo properties — — — |
float[3] |
\({\rm cMpc}/h\) |
R,S |
Position from Rockstar, except for ghosts where computed by SPARTA |
float[3] |
\({\rm km}/s\) |
R,S |
Peculiar velocity from Rockstar, except for ghosts where computed by SPARTA |
float |
\({\rm ckpc}/h\) |
R |
Offset of density peak from average particle position |
float |
\({\rm km}/s\) |
R |
Offset of velocity at density peak from average particle velocity |
float |
\({\rm ckpc}/h\) |
R |
Largest shape ellipsoid axis vector x-component |
float |
\({\rm ckpc}/h\) |
R |
Largest shape ellipsoid axis vector y-component |
float |
\({\rm ckpc}/h\) |
R |
Largest shape ellipsoid axis vector z-component |
float |
– |
R |
Ratio of second-largest shape ellipsoid axis B to to largest axis A |
float |
– |
R |
Ratio of third-largest shape ellipsoid axis C to to largest axis A |
float |
\({\rm ckpc}/h\) |
R |
Largest shape ellipsoid axis vector x-component, only counting particles within \(R_{\rm 500c,bnd}\) |
float |
\({\rm ckpc}/h\) |
R |
Largest shape ellipsoid axis vector y-component, only counting particles within \(R_{\rm 500c,bnd}\) |
float |
\({\rm ckpc}/h\) |
R |
Largest shape ellipsoid axis vector z-component, only counting particles within \(R_{\rm 500c,bnd}\) |
float |
– |
R |
Ratio of second-largest shape ellipsoid axis B to to largest axis A, only counting particles within \(R_{\rm 500c,bnd}\) |
float |
– |
R |
Ratio of third-largest shape ellipsoid axis C to to largest axis A, only counting particles within \(R_{\rm 500c,bnd}\) |
float |
\(M_{\odot}{\rm pMpc}\ {\rm km}/h^2 s\) |
R |
Angular momentum in x-direction |
float |
\(M_{\odot}{\rm pMpc}\ {\rm km}/h^2 s\) |
R |
Angular momentum in y-direction |
float |
\(M_{\odot}{\rm pMpc}\ {\rm km}/h^2 s\) |
R |
Angular momentum in z-direction |
float |
\({\rm ckpc}/h\) |
R |
Scale radius from fit to NFW profile |
float |
\({\rm ckpc}/h\) |
R |
Scale radius determined from \(V_{\rm max}\) and \(M_{\rm vir}\) assuming an NFW profile |
float |
\({\rm ckpc}/h\) |
R |
Radius that contains half of \(M_{\rm 200m,bnd}\) |
float |
– |
R |
Spin parameter according to Peebles, \(J\sqrt{|E|} / G M_{\rm vir}^{2/5}\) |
float |
– |
R |
Spin parameter according to Bullock, \(J / \sqrt{2 G M_{\rm vir}^3 R_{\rm vir}}\) |
float |
– |
C |
Strongest tidal force from any nearby halo, in dimensionless units of \(R_{\rm halo} / R_{\rm hill}\) |
int64 |
– |
C |
ID of the halo exerting the strongest tidal force listed in |
float |
– |
C |
Tidal force averaged over 0.5 \(t_{\rm dyn,vir}\) in units of \(R_{\rm halo} / R_{\rm hill}\) |
float |
\({\rm km}/s\) |
R |
Velocity dispersion of bound particles |
float |
– |
R |
Ratio of kinetic and potential energies for bound particles in the halo |
Branch-specific fields (tree only)¶
All datasets in the tree file have dimensions of n_snapshots
times n_halos
, or rather halo
histories or “branches.” However, there are also fields that are specified per branch, as in,
where there is one value per halo history. For consistency, those fields are output into a
group called branch_data
. This group contains the following fields (see also
documentation of status fields below):
Field |
Type |
From |
Explanation |
int8 |
S |
The reason why the halo ended according to SPARTA (see status documentation for values) |
int16 |
R,M |
First snapshot where the halo was alive (where it was first found in the catalog) |
int16 |
R,M |
Last snapshot where the halo was alive (can be due to disappearance from catalog, ghost ending, or simulation ending) |
Status fields¶
One key design goal of MORIA is to be transparent about how radii, masses, and other quantities
were computed. This information is given in a number of status fields whose names
all begin with status_*
. Their values are implemented in the Python analysis package module
for convenience.
SPARTA status
The first field is status_sparta
which tells us the status SPARTA returned for the halo at this
snapshot. The following values are possible in the Erebos catalogs:
Value |
Meaning |
Explanation |
Halo was not part of SPARTA output (e.g., too few particles) |
Halo did not exist at this snapshot |
Host halo |
Subhalo |
Subhalo; became a subhalo in this snap |
Subhalo; will become a host in the next snap |
Subhalo; became sub this snap and will be host in the next |
Subhalo; switched host |
Ghost subhalo |
Ghost subhalo, changing host |
Please see the Halos & Subhalos page for a full listing of possible numerical values and further explanation of their meaning. When testing for host, subhalo, or ghost status, please use the corresponding functions in Python for SPARTA module instead of manually implementing the status codes (because they could change or be amended, in principle).
The host/sub distinction in SPARTA corresponds to the parent_id_cat
field. The status values
that indicate changes in the status can also be derived from the parent IDs, but are given for
convenience. The ghost status can only be evaluated with the status_sparta
Final SPARTA status (reason for ending halo history)
Besides the halo status at each snapshot, SPARTA also assigns each halo history a final status
value that gives the reason for why the halo ended. Since there is only one such value per history,
this status is stored in the branch_data
subdirectory in tree files. It is not output into
the MORIA catalog fields because it is not specific to one snapshot. The final status can take on
the following values:
Value |
Meaning |
Explanation |
Halo was not part of SPARTA output (e.g., too few particles) |
Halo ended in catalog, i.e., merged with another halo |
Particles in ghost have become indistinguishable from host center |
Insufficient particles remaining in ghost |
Too few of the ghost’s previous particles were found in new snap |
Ghost position could not be reliably determined |
Halo reached the last snapshot in the simulation |
Error: halo could not be found in catalog |
Error: halo position jumped unphysically in catalog |
Error: could not find host during exchange step |
Error: no sensible particle distribution found (mostly phantoms) |
By far the most common statuses are MERGED
. If ghosts are included, they will
inevitably survive until the last snapshot or end with one of the ghost-specific final statuses. The
error codes should essentially never occur, they mostly indicate issues with the input halo catalog or
merger tree.
Mass accretion rate status
The status_acc_rate
field tells us how MORIA computed the mass accretion rate. Options include:
Value |
Status |
Explanation |
Console hdr |
From SPARTA values for snaps at current time and tdyn |
OK |
Compressed time interval because halo was a sub in the past |
rdcd-tdyn |
Guessed from fitting function |
model |
At subhalo infall, computed as for SUCCESS |
sub-OK |
At subhalo infall, compressed time interval |
sub-rdcd |
At subhalo infall, guessed from fitting function |
sub-model |
Despite subhalo, had to guess at current epoch |
sb-mdl-nw |
The console headers are abbreviations output in the console where we list the fractions of halos
with each status (see below). The standard (successful) determination of the accretion rate
occurs when we find M200m_all at the current time and one dynamical time ago (SUCCESS
If the halo happened to be a subhalo one dynamical time ago (and then became a host again), we
should not use its mass at that previous snapshot. Instead, we go forward in time to find the
snapshot when it became a host again (REDUCED_INTERVAL
), but only if that time is at least
0.25 dynamical times in the past (to avoid very noisy short-interval measurements). If this
mechanism also fails, we use the fitting function of Diemer 2020 (MODEL
Mass accretion rates estimated with the fitting function do not reflect the real distribution of MARs, but rather their median value (ignoring the sizeable scatter).
For subhalos, the current mass is ill-defined, and the mass accretion rate while a subhalo makes
little sense either. Thus, we attempt to compute the MAR at infall, that is, at the last snapshot
before the halo became a subhalo. Again, if the halo was a host one dynamical time before that,
we use that time (SUB_SUCCESS
); if not, we reduce the time interval as for hosts
). We note that the MARs at infall are not the same as the current
MARs, and that the two should not be compared directly. The rates at infall are given mostly for
If this mechanism fails, we need to evaluate the fitting function again. If we can determine the
time of infall of subhalos, we evaluate the model at that time (SUB_MODEL
). If not, we have
no choice but to evaluate the model at the current time, giving a highly unreliable estimate
). This case should only occur if not all halos are present in a SPARTA output
file, meaning the output criteria are poorly matched in MORIA and SPARTA.
In practice, almost all host halos should have successful determinations of the MAR, with the other statuses representing rare edge cases.
Status of splashback analysis
The status_sparta_rsp
field tells us whether the splashback radii and masses could be
he Rsp analysis that SPARTA
returned. The meaning of the codes is documented on the Splashback radius analysis page.
Value |
Parameter |
Explanation |
1 |
The analysis succeeded, all output values can be used |
2 |
Halo could not be analyzed at this snapshot, e.g. because too young |
5 |
There were not enough particle splashback events |
6 |
There were enough particle splashback events, but their weight was too low |
Based on the SPARTA status, MORIA accepts the values or attempts to improve the completeness. The
tells us how MORIA processed the splashback radii and masses:
Value |
Status |
Explanation |
Console hdr |
Success, the Rsp and Msp values were taken from SPARTA |
OK |
Guessed Rsp and Msp from fitting function |
gs-model |
Guessed Rsp and Msp from past snapshot |
gs-past |
Guessed Rsp and Msp from future snapshot |
gs-ftre |
Guessed Rsp and Msp from past and future snaps via interpolation |
gs-intrp |
The status applies to all Rsp/Msp definitions. The algorithm for determining Rsp and Msp is as follows:
If there is a SPARTA entry/analysis for this halo, we take the values from that (
).If Rsp and Msp could not determined by SPARTA, MORIA needs to guess. First, we look for past and future snapshots with valid Rsp/Msp from SPARTA within a dynamical time of the current snapshot. If at least one is found, we use the same Rsp/R200m and Msp/M200m and apply it at the current snapshot (
). If both are found, we interpolate Rsp/R200m and Msp/M200m linearly in time (ESTIMATED_INTERPOLATED
).If no valid snapshots are found within a dynamical time, we guess Rsp/R200m and Msp/M200m using the fitting function of Diemer 2020 (
). We use the real mass accretion rate of the halo if available, or another fitting function if not (seestatus_acc_rate
Status of SO definitions from SPARTA
Unlike the Rsp analysis, the HaloProps analysis returns a status for each definition because they
can suffer different fates (for example, an SO threshold may be reached in one definition but not
in another). Thus, MORIA returns a status_moria_hps_<def>
field for each definition. This field
combines the SPARTA status (as listed on the Halo properties analysis page) with any modifications MORIA
Value |
Status |
Explanation |
Console hdr |
Success, the Rsp and Msp values were taken from SPARTA |
OK |
SO threshold was not reached at center, halo not dense enough |
so_small |
SO threshold was not reached at edge, halo too dense at large r |
so_large |
No orbiting particles were found |
oct_zero |
Phantoms are halos that were not found by the halo finder at a given snapshot, but that were reconstructed from previous and future snapshots. For example, halos can temporarily disappear while crossing through a larger halo, but not all phantoms are necessarily subhalos. In Rockstar catalogs, the number of phantoms is typically small, much less than a percent, but they cause issues for SPARTA because their positions are not accurate, leading to unphysical density profiles and so on.
Thus, at least when using Rockstar catalogs, it is recommended to add the phantom
field to
the fields copied from the halo finder output, and to exclude phantoms from analyses of their
properties wherever possible.
F.A.Q. about Erebos catalogs/trees¶
The following questions and answers are somewhat specific to the public Erebos catalogs and merger trees. Many decisions that were made could, in principle, be changed in the configuration parameters.
Which halos are included?
SPARTA considers all halos in the input catalogs. However, only halos that have at least 100 particles within R200m (as defined by SPARTA) at any snapshot are output into the SPARTA files.
In MORIA, a stricter cut of 200 particles was made, but in the peak M200m from bound particles according to Rockstar. This cut avoids halos that might have been assigned an unphysically large M200m due to neighboring halos.
Despite the more conservative cut in MORIA, there is a very small fraction of halos in the MORIA catalogs and trees that were not part of the SPARTA output. This happens in the extremely rare case where a halo never reaches an M200m of 100 particles while it is a host but reaches at least 200 particles according to Rockstar while it is a subhalo. In that case, SPARTA may assign the halo a smaller mass (computed from particle tracking). If that mass remains below 100 particles, the halo never makes the threshold for being output.
How can the SPARTA status and final status be NOT_FOUND
See the point above – some halos are not part of the SPARTA files, in which case the status output
Known issues¶
Comoving force softening
In the SPARTA runs, the force softening of the Erebos simulations was erroneously set to a fixed
physical length even though the actual force softening is given in comoving units, i.e., evolves
with redshift. Specifically, the config parameter sim_force_res_comoving
was set to 0 instead
of 1. This error has only a very minor impact on SPARTA’s calculations, but the incorrect parameter
is part of the SPARTA / MORIA files.