Halos & Subhalos¶
Halos serve as the top-level organizational unit for work and memory in SPARTA. Each halo is uniquely assigned to one process, and halos can be exchanged between processes. A halo object contains dynamical lists of Tracers for each tracer type, as well as Results & Analyses.
Halo and subhalo tracking¶
SPARTA is not a halo finder, it takes its list of halos from an existing halo catalog (the most well-tested halo finder for this purpose is Peter Behroozi’s ROCKSTAR halo finder and his consistent-trees merger trees code). Based on those catalogs, SPARTA keeps track of all halos in a simulation.
At each snapshot, SPARTA connects halos to their descendants by matching their unique IDs, saving certain halo properties, and updating others. SPARTA explicitly tracks the relation between host and subhalos as defined by the merger trees (or catalogs). Internally, SPARTA assigns each subhalo to its top-level host, meaning that if there are subhalos within subhalos, their parent ID is that of the highest-level host. The schematic below demonstrates some of the most common host-sub relations and their evolution.

Red circles represent host halos, yellow circles subhalos. SPARTA would see this structure from top to bottom, going forward in time. At the end of each snapshot, each halo has a certain status which is written into the output file (see below).
The halo radii computed by SPARTA (e.g., splashback or spherical overdensity radii) can be used to reassign subhalos using MORIA (see Creating halo catalogs with MORIA), but internally, SPARTA treats a halo as a subhalo if it is so defined in the halo catalog. Thus, the definition and algorithm used for subhalo assignment in the halo catalog matters a great deal.
The vast majority of halos end in one of two ways: because the simuation ends, or because they merge into another, larger halo. Some of this merging is numerical: subhalos tend to be artificially disrupted in N-body simulations, and there is little we can do about that after the fact. However, the life of subhalos may also be cut short because they cannot be identified by the halo finder any more as they are mixed with their host’s particles. Halo finders such as Rockstar combat this issue using techniques such as phase-space FOF, but even those algorithms may fail to follow some small subhalos.
In SPARTA, we have access to the full particle information, and can track subhalos using the member particles they had at infall (see Tracers for details on how those particles are selected and tracked). We call such halos “ghosts” as they are the remnants of a halo that does not exist in the halo finder catalogs any longer. If the user chooses to output ghosts, SPARTA follows them and outputs them much like normal halos. A few common scenarios are shown in this schematic:

The dashed yellow circles denote ghosts. As they are not present in the original halo catalog, they are assigned an ID that reflects the ghost’s original ID and the snapshot number (white/gray labels). The host-subhalo relations are a little more complicated than for normal halos, including the following scenarios:
When a subhalo is converted into a ghost, the latter maintains the same host halo.
Unlike normal halos, ghosts can be subhalos of other subhalos. The main reason is that the halo finder is not keeping track of the ghosts for us. Thus, if a ghost’s host is temporarily a subhalo but than becomes a host again, we would lose that “true” connection if we were to assign it to the top-level host.
When the host halo of a ghost merges into another halo and disappears from the catalog, we transfer the ghost to that new host.
When the host halo of a ghost becomes a ghost itself, we transfer the first ghost to the new ghost’s subhalo, thus avoiding ghost-ghost relations.
From the particles we are tracking in a ghost, we compute its center as the location of the particle with the highest binding energy given all tracked particles, and its velocity as the average velocity with R200m (see below for details on how the radius is computed).
There are, fundamentally, two ways for a ghost to end: it either reaches the last snapshot like other halos, or it dissolves to the point where it cannot be identified any longer. The user can set parameters for these criteria (see Run-time configuration parameters), namely:
a minimum number of particles at which we stop tracking the ghost.
a minimum distance from the host center and a maximum time for which this distance is tolerated. If the ghost is close to the host center for longer, we consider it to have merged with the host. We also consider the positional uncertainty on the ghost center in this calculation.
The final status (see below) indicates exactly what happened to the ghost.
Halo status fields¶
The following values are possible:
Value |
Meaning |
Explanation |
Halo not found in SPARTA file (use in tools such as MORIA) |
Halo did not exist at this snapshot |
Host halo |
Subhalo |
Subhalo; became a subhalo in this snap |
Subhalo; will become a host in the next snap |
Subhalo; became sub this snap and will be host in the next |
Subhalo; switched host |
Ghost host halo |
Ghost subhalo |
Ghost subhalo, changing host |
When the trajectory of a halo ends, it is assigned a final_status
value. Some examples are shown
as gray boxes in the schematic above. The values can be:
Status |
Meaning |
Explanation |
The halo merged with another, larger halo |
The ghost’s center coincided with the host’s, meaning it merged |
The ghost was identified, but below the minimum number of particles |
The tracer particles were not found in the search volume; should be rare |
The ghost’s position could not clearly be identified from its tracers |
The halo ended at the last snapshot of the simulation |
A descendant was not found in the catalog (should not happen) |
The descendant in the catalog jumped unphysically (should not happen) |
This halo was a sub of a host that ended |
Failed to find a valid particle distribution (should not happen) |
If a halo catalog is constructed in a self-consistent manner, only MERGED
should occur, plus the ghost statuses if ghosts are on.
We note that SPARTA does not have to be started at the first snapshot, of a simulation but its intended mode of operation is to follow entire halo histories.
Internal halo masses and radii¶
For many purposes, SPARTA must internally rely on some definition of the halo radius, even if the purpose of a SPARTA run is to determine other definitions of the halo boundary. The chosen definition for this internal boundary is R200m, but the exact details of how it is computed differ for different types of halos. The chosen value of R200m is written to the output file for all halos and times.
For host (isolated) halos, the halo catalog may already specify R200m, but SPARTA computes it directly by constructing the mass profile around a halo from the particle distribution. If the initial search radius is too small to find R200m, it is increased iteratively until a solution has been found. Here, R200m are computed from the full particle distribution, including bound and unbound particles, in order to avoid the ambiguities inherent in any unbinding procedure. For host halos, the difference between the bound and full mass profiles is generally small.
For subhalos, however, the difference can be large because the density around a subhalo may never reach sufficiently low values, meaning that material from its host is included in the spherical overdensity R200m which leads to an unphysically high radius and mass. There are two solutions to this issue: we can either use an estimate of a bound-only R200m from the halo catalog, or we can compute it from only subhalo particles that we are tracking over time (see Tracers for details on how this is done). For many operations, including determining the particle search radius around subhalos and the radius out to which we are tracking particles, we use the maximum of the tracer-based and catalog-based radii to be on the safe side, but the tracer-based radius is output.
If we are not tracking particles, we use the radius at infall for subhalos, that is, the last measured R200m at the snapshot before the halo became a subhalo. This radius is less arbitrary than halofinder-specific bound-only definitions. We note that we keep the radius constant rather than the mass; this corresponds to a decreasing mass as the mean density of the universe drops over cosmic time. If we kept the mass constant, the physical halo radius would increase with time, which is unlikely to be a good representation of the physical evolution of subhalos. However, if we are not tracking subhalo particles, we do not do much with subhalos at all and the exact definition does not matter much.
For ghosts, we stay consistent with the subhalo definition described above and always use the tracer mass, that is R200m measured from those particles that we are tracking. The radius is measured using the tracked-particle profile around the center, which is the location of the particle with the highest binding energy. In summary, the internal R200m is computed in the following ways:
Host halos: directly measured from the particle distribution, including all particles.
Subhalos that are subs for only one snapshot: treated like host halos.
Subhalos, if tracking subhalo particles is off: radius at infall, meaning the radius at the last snapshot when the halo was a host.
Subhalos, if tracking subhalo particles is on: determined from tracer particles. If there are no tracers, we use the catalog radius.
Ghosts: determined from tracer particles. For subhalo phantoms, the same routine can optionally be applied.
We emphasize that the purpose of this internal R200m calculation is not to provide a “perfect” mass definition for halos, but rather to provide a consistent basis for the algorithms in SPARTA. There are many other ways to calculate various mass definitions, see e.g. the Splashback radius analysis and Halo properties analysis modules.