2D setups

Advection (2D)

The following image shows the results of the advection test for different hydro algorithms:


class ulula.setups.advection_2d.SetupAdvection2D(unit_l=1.0, unit_t=1.0, unit_m=1.0)

Tophat advection test

In this test, an initially overdense tophat is placed at the center of the domain. The entire fluid moves towards the northeast direction. The edges of the disk diffuse into the surrounding fluid at a rate that depends on the hydro solver. For example, when using no spatial reconstruction, the hydro scheme will be extremely diffusive (and 1st order in space and time) and the tophat will quickly spread into the surrounding fluid. Linear interpolation leads to less diffusion, especially if an aggressive slope limiter such as MC is used. However, when combining the resulting sharp gradients with a hydro scheme that is 1st-order in time (namely, a simple Euler time integrator), the test quickly becomes unstable and fails spectacularly. The default hydro scheme in Ulula, namely a MUSCL-Hancock 2nd-order scheme, leads to a stable solution with modest diffusion. This setup demonstrates

  • Stability of time integration schemes

  • Diffusivity of reconstruction schemes

  • Importance of slope limiters.

unit_l: float

Code unit for length in units of centimeters.

unit_t: float

Code unit for time in units of seconds.

unit_m: float

Code unit for mass in units of gram.

__init__(unit_l=1.0, unit_t=1.0, unit_m=1.0)

Kelvin-Helmholtz instability

The following images show the evolution of density in the Kelvin-Helmholtz setup:


class ulula.setups.kelvin_helmholtz.SetupKelvinHelmholtz(sharp_ics=False, n_waves=1, unit_l=1.0, unit_t=1.0, unit_m=1.0)

Kelvin-Helmholtz instability

The KH instability forms at the interface between two fluids that are moving past each other. The user can choose between a setup where the interface is infinitely sharp and the smooth ICs of Robertson et al. 2010. In the sharp case, the instability is seeded by grid noise, but we still add a small velocity perturbation to obtain more well-defined behavior. The smooth version is recommended as it leads to a more physical test case. This setup demonstrates

  • Instability at two-fluid interface

  • Periodic boundary conditions

  • Sharp vs. smooth gradients in initial conditions.

sharp_ics: bool

Use sharp boundary between fluids instead of smoothed ICs.

n_waves: int

Number of wave periods in the domain. The number of periods that can be resolved depends on the resolution.

unit_l: float

Code unit for length in units of centimeters.

unit_t: float

Code unit for time in units of seconds.

unit_m: float

Code unit for mass in units of gram.

__init__(sharp_ics=False, n_waves=1, unit_l=1.0, unit_t=1.0, unit_m=1.0)

Cloud crushing

The following images show the evolution of the cloud crushing setup:


class ulula.setups.cloud_crushing.SetupCloudCrushing(unit_l=1.0, unit_t=1.0, unit_m=1.0)

Cloud-crushing setup

In this classic setup, a dense cloud is embedded in a hot, fast-moving, less dense wind at equal pressure. The sharp cloud edge creates some initial shocks, but those quicky leave the domain given the outflow boundary conditions. The cloud is rapidly destroyed, but the rate of destruction and the details of the evolution depend quite strongly on resolution. It is tempting to simply set outflow boundary conditions, but the fluid can back-react on the left edge as the flow is reflected off the dense blob. Thus, we manually enforce the wind state in the left boundary. This setup demonstrates

  • Rectangular domain shapes

  • Mixture of standard and user-defined boundary conditions

  • Strong resolution dependence.

unit_l: float

Code unit for length in units of centimeters.

unit_t: float

Code unit for time in units of seconds.

unit_m: float

Code unit for mass in units of gram.

__init__(unit_l=1.0, unit_t=1.0, unit_m=1.0)

Sedov-Taylor explosion

The following images shows the Sedov-Taylor blastwave setup as the shock is about to reach the edge of the domain, plotted both in 2D and 1D:


class ulula.setups.sedov_taylor.SetupSedovTaylor(E=50.0, rho0=1.0, gamma=1.6666666666666667, unit_l=1.0, unit_t=1.0, unit_m=1.0)

Sedov-Taylor explosion

The Sedov-Taylor solution represents a blastwave created by a large amount of energy that is injected at the center of the domain. If the energy is much larger than the thermal energy of the surrounding gas, the solution is self-similar, i.e., does not depend on any physical scale and evolves in time as a power-law. The exact solution is adapted from the Gandalf code by Hubber et al. (2018).

In this setup, the energy is distributed in a Gaussian with a radius of ~1 cell. This avoids grid artifacts that can arise to the square nature of the grid cells. This setup demonstrates

  • Radial 1D plotting through a 2D domain

  • Accuracy of the propagation of a strong shock.

E: float

Explosion energy in code units; the thermal energy in the domain is about unity in these units, so E should be significantly larger than unity

rho0: float

The density of the surrounding medium in code units

gamma: float

The adiabatic index of the gas

unit_l: float

Code unit for length in units of centimeters.

unit_t: float

Code unit for time in units of seconds.

unit_m: float

Code unit for mass in units of gram.

__init__(E=50.0, rho0=1.0, gamma=1.6666666666666667, unit_l=1.0, unit_t=1.0, unit_m=1.0)

Gresho Vortex

The following images shows the Gresho vortex setup after a number of revolutions, plotted both in 2D and 1D:


class ulula.setups.gresho_vortex.SetupGreshoVortex(unit_l=1.0, unit_t=1.0, unit_m=1.0)

Gresho Vortex

This setup tests the symmetry and angular momentum conservation of the hydro solver. A ring at the center of the domain has positive azimuthal velocity, which creates a centrifugal force that is balanced by pressure. Ideally, the setup should be stable as the gas rotates around the center. Any smoothing of the ring is an indication that angular momentum is not perfectly preserved. The problem was presented in Gresho & Sani 1987 (see also Liska & Wendroff 2003). This setup demonstrates

  • Computing and plotting of azimuthal velocities

  • Angular momentum conservation.

unit_l: float

Code unit for length in units of centimeters.

unit_t: float

Code unit for time in units of seconds.

unit_m: float

Code unit for mass in units of gram.

__init__(unit_l=1.0, unit_t=1.0, unit_m=1.0)

Rayleigh-Taylor instability

The following images show the evolution of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability setup:


class ulula.setups.rayleigh_taylor.SetupRayleighTaylor(aspect_ratio=3.0, amplitude=0.1, frequency=0.5, phase=0.0, amplitude_2=0.0, frequency_2=0.0, phase_2=0.0, unit_l=1.0, unit_t=1.0, unit_m=1.0)

Rayleigh-Taylor instability

A denser fluid sits on top of a less dense fluid, but as the boundary is perturbed, a well- known mushroom-like structure forms. The default setup corresponds to a single peak of a velocity perturbation of the center of the domain. In this setup, the top of the cold mushroom structure forms its own Rayleigh-Taylor instability as it rises. This setup demonstrates:

  • Fixed-acceleration gravity in 2D with wall boundary conditions

  • Instabilities at a two-fluid interface, including their dependence on the scale of perturbations.

aspect_ratio: float

The ratio of y to x extent of the domain.

amplitude: float

The amplitude of the initial y-velocity at the interface.

frequency: float

The number of sine wave periods by which the boundary between fluids is perturbed. Unity corresponds to one full wave across the x-range of the domain, one-half corresponds to a single wave peak.

phase: float

A phase to add to the sine wave argument, where unity corresponds to a shift by a full wavelength (2 pi radians).

amplitude_2: float

Like amplitude, but for a second wave that can optionally be added on top of the first to study the behavior of the RT instability for different perturbations.

frequency_2: float

Like frequency but for the second wave.

phase_2: float

Like phase but for the second wave.

unit_l: float

Code unit for length in units of centimeters.

unit_t: float

Code unit for time in units of seconds.

unit_m: float

Code unit for mass in units of gram.

__init__(aspect_ratio=3.0, amplitude=0.1, frequency=0.5, phase=0.0, amplitude_2=0.0, frequency_2=0.0, phase_2=0.0, unit_l=1.0, unit_t=1.0, unit_m=1.0)

Tidal disruption

The following images show the gravitational potential and the density evolution of the tidal disruption setup:


class ulula.setups.tidal_disruption.SetupTidalDisruption(unit_l=1.0, unit_t=1.0, unit_m=1.0)

Gravitational tidal disruption

The gravitational potential in the domain represents a point mass at the center. A gas blob moves past the point mass and is tidally disrupted. This setup demonstrates

  • Fixed-potential gravity

  • Behavior at strong potential gradients.

unit_l: float

Code unit for length in units of centimeters.

unit_t: float

Code unit for time in units of seconds.

unit_m: float

Code unit for mass in units of gram.

__init__(unit_l=1.0, unit_t=1.0, unit_m=1.0)