General setup class

class ulula.setup_base.Setup(unit_l=1.0, unit_t=1.0, unit_m=1.0)

General setup class

This abstract container must be partially overwritten by child classes, but also contains defaults for a number of standard routines. In particular, the user must implement the routines that provide a short name and that set the initial conditions.

Some optionally overwritten routines determine how plots look and are automatically passed to the plotting functions when using the run() function.

unit_l: float

Code unit for length in units of centimeters.

unit_t: float

Code unit for time in units of seconds.

unit_m: float

Code unit for mass in units of gram.


initialConditions(sim, nx)

Wrapper function to set initial data

internalEnergyFromTemperature(T, mu, gamma)

Conversion for isothermal EOS


Return colormaps for plotted quantities


Return min/max limits for plotted quantities

setInitialData(sim, nx)

Set the initial conditions (must be overwritten)


Short name for the problem (to be used in output filenames)

trueSolution(sim, x, q_plot)

Return a true solution for this setup

abstract shortName()

Short name for the problem (to be used in output filenames)

initialConditions(sim, nx)

Wrapper function to set initial data

This function calls the problem-specific setup, which is assumed to set the primitive variables. Those are also converted to conserved variables.

sim: Simulation

Simulation object in which the ICs are to be set

nx: int

Number of cells in the x-direction

abstract setInitialData(sim, nx)

Set the initial conditions (must be overwritten)

This function

sim: Simulation

Simulation object in which the ICs are to be set

nx: int

Number of cells in the x-direction

trueSolution(sim, x, q_plot)

Return a true solution for this setup

This function can be passed to the Ulula 1D plotting routine plot1d(). It must return a 2D array, with the solution in primitive variables for a given input vector of coordinates. The solution must be returned in code units.

sim: Simulation

Simulation object

x: array_like

The coordinates where the true solution is to be computed.

q_plot: array_like

List of quantities for which to return the true solution. Quantities are identified via the short strings given in the fields dictionary.

solution: array_like

A 2D array with dimensions (len(q_plot), len(x)) in code units.


Return min/max limits for plotted quantities

This function can be passed to the Ulula plotting routines. By default, no limits are returned, which means the plotting functions automatically select limits. The limits must be in code units.

q_plot: array_like

List of quantities for which to return the plot limits. Quantities are identified via the short strings given in the fields dictionary.

limits_lower: array_like

List of lower limits for the given plot quantities. If None, a limit is chosen automatically. Individual items can also be None.

limits_upper: array_like

List of upper limits for the given plot quantities. If None, a limit is chosen automatically. Individual items can also be None.

log: array_like

List of True/False that determine whether to plot in log space. If None, all quantities are plotted in linear space. If log is chosen, the limits must be positive.


Return colormaps for plotted quantities

This function can be passed to the Ulula plotting routines. By default, velocities are plotted with a divergent colormap, whereas density and pressure are plotted with a perceptually uniform colormap.

q_plot: array_like

List of quantities for which to return the colormaps. Quantities are identified via the short strings given in the fields dictionary.

cmaps: array_like

List of colormaps for the given quantities. If None, a colormap is chosen automatically. Individual items can also be None.

internalEnergyFromTemperature(T, mu, gamma)

Conversion for isothermal EOS

If we are choosing an isothermal EOS, we need to pass the temperature in the form of an equivalent internal energy in code units, which can be a little tedious to compute. This function takes care of it. The result can be passed as the eint_fixed parameter to the setEquationOfState() function.

T: float

Temperature in Kelvin.

mu: float

Mean particle weight in proton masses.

eint: float

Internal energy in code units corresponding to the given temperature.