History & Contributions
Version history
Version 0.3.3 (released X/X/2025)
Removed global index variables in favor of adaptable indexing.
Improved setting of simulation parameters.
Added isothermal equation of state.
Added atmosphere setup.
Implemented proper 1D simulations.
Version 0.3.0 (released 1/7/2025)
This is a major new release. The most important changes are:
Added gravity (fixed acceleration and fixed, user-defined potential).
Added wall (reflective) boundary conditions.
Added code units and plotting in arbitrary unit systems.
Added correct treatment of CFL violations.
Added automatic checks on conservation of mass, energy, and momentum (if applicable).
Added cloud crushing, free-fall, Rayleigh-Taylor, and tidal disruption setups.
Version 0.2.2 (released 05/20/2021)
Minor changes:
Added a check that the final time must be larger when restarting
Added to documentation
Version 0.2.1 (released 05/19/2021)
The main runtime interface (see Running Ulula) was reworked significantly:
it now accommodates saving and plotting at evenly spaced times rather than snapshots
saving, plotting, and movie making can be switched on at the same time
the output and plotting times do not interfere with the physical simulation
Version 0.2.0 (released 05/17/2021)
The main features added in this version relate to input/output of files:
Added file saving into hdf5 snapshot files
Added restarting capability (either manual or in runtime function)
Added dictionaries of primitive and conserved fluid quantities for more transparency in the plotting and saving routines
Added to documentation
Version 0.1.1 (released 04/02/2021)
This version is mostly a refactoring of the initial checkin, and also contains:
Added Sedov-Taylor test case (blastwave explosion)
Added radially averaged 1D plots of fluid quantities
Version 0.1.0 (released 03/24/2021)
Initial version. Contains the main hydro solver and examples.